The lab moves to brand new lab space at Dynamic One.
CPSB student Feng-Cheng Hsieh officially joins the lab for his thesis work.
Jeremy gives an invited talk at University of Houston.
The Wilusz lab is awarded an R21 from NIAID.
CPSB student Charlotte Le Roux starts her rotation in the lab.
CPSB student Junzhe Guo starts his rotation in the lab.

Wilusz lab wins 1st Prize in the gingerbread house decorating contest at the THINC holiday party.
Wilusz lab wins the grinch award in the THINC door decoration competition.
Jeremy gives an invited talk at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center.
Jeremy is quoted in a Nature technology feature on the opportunities and challenges in studying circular RNAs.
Jeremy’s RNA-protein complexes course is voted best course for 2023-2024 by the CPSB graduate students.
Aishwarya, Ghislain, and Rina present their latest work at the THINC retreat. Aishwarya wins a poster prize!
G&G student Harita Mani starts her rotation in the lab.
CPSB student Feng-Cheng Hsieh starts his rotation in the lab.
Collaborative work with the Bonasio lab on a new ligation-independent RNA sequencing method is published in Molecular Cell. PDF
Undergraduate Ellie Kolb joins the lab as part of BCM’s SMART program.
Collaborative work with the Biagioli lab on functional roles for a circular RNA derived from the Huntington’s disease locus is published in Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids. PDF
Jeremy presented a poster on some of our latest work at the 29th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society in Edinburgh, Scotland.
We were awarded an equipment supplement to our MIRA grant from NIGMS.
Jeremy presents some of our latest work at the symposium in honor of Phil Sharp’s 80th birthday.
Tanya successfully passed her qualifying exam.
Ghislain gives a talk at the Cold Spring Harbor meeting on Regulatory & Non-coding RNAs.
Rina was awarded our departmental Ruth McLean Bowman Bowers Excellence in Research Award.
Aishwarya successfully passed her qualifying exam.
Jeremy gives an invited talk at Florida Atlantic University.
Brad’s outlook piece highlighting how Malat1 can traffic to the cytoplasm and be translated in cultured mouse neurons is published in Genes & Development. PDF
Aayushi, Aishwarya, and Ghislain present their latest work at our departmental retreat in League City, TX. Aishwarya wins a poster prize!
Ghislain gives a talk for the BCM RNA & Chromatin Club.
Jeremy co-organizes the RNA Biology theme at Discover BMB in San Antonio, TX and gives a talk describing our recent work on Integrator.
Collaborative work with the de la Mata lab on the ability of circular RNAs to induce target-directed microRNA degradation is published in Nucleic Acids Research. PDF
Meisheng’s protocol chapter for better purification of circular RNAs using RNase R is published in Methods in Molecular Biology. PDF
Collaborative work with the Romanov lab on a circular RNA biomarker for bladder cancer is published in Cancers. PDF
1,000 requests for plasmids from our lab have now been fulfilled by Addgene.
The Wilusz lab celebrates its 10th anniversary.

Postdoc Brad Wright joins the group.
Rina’s work on how IntS6 and the Integrator phosphatase module tune the efficiency of select premature transcription termination events is published in Molecular Cell. PDF
Collaborative work with the Conn lab on improving circular RNA over-expression plasmids is posted to bioRxiv. PDF
Rina and Christopher present their latest work at the FASEB RNA Processing in Cancer conference.
Yuxi successfully defended her Ph.D. thesis.
Collaborative work with the Lionnet and Lehmann labs on Integrator’s role in generating transcriptionally poised Pol II clusters at histone loci is posted to bioRxiv. PDF
Staff Scientist Arya Vindu joins the group.
Jeremy gives an invited talk at the 4th Annual Noncoding RNA Symposium at the University of Illinois Chicago.
Jeremy presents our latest work at the EMBO Workshop on Signal regulation by protein phosphatases in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jeremy gives a talk on the Integrator complex at the Cold Spring Harbor meeting on Eukaryotic mRNA Processing.
Collaborative work with the de la Mata lab on the ability of circular RNAs to induce target-directed microRNA degradation is posted to bioRxiv. PDF
Undergraduate Luis Teran-Rodriguez joins the lab as part of BCM’s SMART program.
Collaborative work with the Bonasio lab on a new ligation-independent RNA sequencing method is posted to bioRxiv. PDF
Jeremy gives an invited talk on circular RNAs at PEGS Boston.
CPSB students Tanya Bhatt and Aishwarya Rajurkar officially join the lab for their thesis work.
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory RNA seminar series.
Rina gives a talk for the BCM RNA & Chromatin Club.
Jeremy presents a poster at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) 2023 RNA Biology Symposium.
New insights into how IntS6 and the Integrator phosphatase module tune the efficiency of select premature transcription termination events is posted to bioRxiv. PDF
Jeremy is quoted in a Nature news piece on the prevalence of nucleotide sequence errors present in published papers.
CPSB student Aishwarya Rajurkar starts her rotation in the lab.
Collaborative review on long noncoding RNAs written with many of the field’s leaders is published in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. PDF
Collaborative effort to propose common nomenclature for naming circRNAs is published in Nature Cell Biology. PDF
Jeremy gave an invited talk for the Columbia University Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics.

Jeremy gives an invited talk at the RNA at the Bench and Bedside III conference in Carlsbad, CA.
Rina gives a talk at our departmental retreat at Margaritaville Lake Resort in Lake Conroe, TX.
Wilusz lab wins 1st Prize in the group costume contest at our departmental retreat.
Rina presented a poster at THINC’s Science & Sip event.
Jeremy gives an invited talk at Houston Methodist’s symposium on the New Frontier of RNA Nanotherapeutics.
Jeremy gives an invited talk at Johns Hopkins University’s symposium honoring the career of Karen Beemon.
Staff Scientist Ghislain Breton joins the group.
Visiting graduate student Federico Fuchs Wightman from Manuel de la Mata’s lab in Argentina joins the lab supported by a IUBMB Wood-Whelan Fellowship.
CPSB student Tanya Bhatt starts her rotation in the lab.
Collaborative work with Vikram Paralkar’s group on control of rRNA synthesis by hematopoietic transcription factors is published in Molecular Cell. PDF
Jeremy gives an invited talk at the EMBO Workshop on Regulation of RNA 3’ end formation across eukaryotic genomes in Oxford, UK.
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the Duke University Department of Biochemistry.
Research Assistant Aayushi Shah joins the group.
THINC-wide trip to the Sugar Land Space Cowboys game is kicked off with Jeremy throwing out the first pitch!
Yuxi was awarded a Blavatnik Family Fellowship in Biomedical Research that will fully cover her stipend for the next academic year at Penn.
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the Center for RNA Therapeutics at Houston Methodist.
Jeremy gives a talk at the 27th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society in Boulder, CO.
Undergraduate Abel Gurung joins the lab as part of BCM’s SMART program.
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the NIH RNA Club.
Our collaborative review with Li Yang and Ling-Ling Chen on circular RNAs is published in Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology. PDF
Jeremy gives a talk at the Cold Spring Harbor meeting on Regulatory & Noncoding RNAs.
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at University of California, Irvine.
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the BCM RNA & Chromatin Club.
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the Drexel University Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.
Jeremy gives a talk at the virtual Rita Allen Foundation Scholars meeting.
Laboratory Director Chris Dinh joins the group.
Yuxi’s paper on the specificity and efficiency of CRISPR/Cas13 effectors is published in Nucleic Acids Research. PDF
Jeremy gives an invited talk for Université de Moncton, Faculty of Life Sciences.
Postdoc Christopher Fields joins the group.
CPSB student Alexander Ewing starts his rotation in the lab.

The Wilusz lab moves to Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX to join the Therapeutic Innovation Center (THINC) and the Verna & Marrs McLean Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
Jeremy is named a CPRIT Scholar in Cancer Research.
Jeremy was appointed to the Ruth McLean Bowman Bowers Professorship at Baylor College of Medicine.
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the Ohio State University Molecular Life Sciences Seminar Series.
Yuxi’s work showing that the off-target effects of CRISPR/Cas13 effectors limit their utility in eukaryotic cells is posted to BioRxiv. PDF
Jeremy gives an invited talk at the 9th International mRNA Health Conference.
Jeremy gives a talk at the Baylor College of Medicine Nuclear Receptor, Transcription, and Chromatin Biology (NRTCB) Program retreat.
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine at Rutgers University.
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the Kansas State University Division of Biology.
Jeremy presents a poster describing new insights into how the Integrator complex is regulated at the Cold Spring Harbor meeting on Eukaryotic Pre-mRNA Processing.
Postdoc Rina Fujiwara joins the group.
The lab’s MIRA grant (R35) from NIGMS is renewed for five more years.
Yuxi gives a talk on Cas13 specificity at the virtual RNA Society Annual Meeting.
Jeremy gives an invited talk and serves as a session chair at the virtual Keystone Symposia on Non-coding RNAs: Biology and Applications.
Amanda passes her Ph.D. candidacy exam.
Dongming and Deirdre’s work describing how circular RNAs can be used as markers of readthrough transcription is published in Methods. PDF
Yuxi presents a poster at the virtual National Cancer Institute (NCI) 2021 RNA Biology Symposium.
Yuxi presents her latest findings at the Penn RNP Discussion Group.
Jeremy gives an invited talk at Acuitas Therapeutics.
Jeremy and Yuxi present talks at the Biochemistry & Biophysics Friday Research Discussions series.
Yuxi is awarded a predoctoral fellowship from the American Heart Association.
Michele is named a 2021 Goldwater Scholar.
Amanda receives an NSF GRFP Honorable Mention.
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the Brandeis University joint biology/neuroscience colloquium seminar series.
Sam moves on to a Senior Consultant position at Pointe Health.
Sam and Nebibe’s review on best practices for investigating circular RNAs is published in EMBO Reports. PDF
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the Cold Spring Harbor graduate program’s virtual recruitment weekend.
Collaborative work with the Asokan and Marzluff labs on methods to efficiently express synthetic circular RNAs using AAV is published in Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids. PDF

After a brave battle, Deirdre passed away from metastatic cancer. She came to the lab as our first postdoctoral fellow in 2014 and was instrumental in so much of what we have done. Her publication record was stellar, she received a NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award, and these scientific accomplishments earned Deirdre a Stadtman Tenure-Track Investigator position at NCI that she soon intended to start. She revealed critical new insights into the Integrator complex and circular RNAs, and her RNAi screening efforts in Drosophila opened up a whole new world for the lab that fundamentally changed how we approach many projects. In particular, Deirdre’s work on Integrator attenuating protein-coding gene expression will likely be regarded as a classic in the field. These amazing scientific accomplishments are nonetheless just a small part of what made Deirdre special. She was a leader in the lab, a teacher, a thinker, a friend, and someone that made all of us better. Deirdre was a glowing example of a highly impactful scientist and she will be deeply missed.
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the Baylor College of Medicine Therapeutic Innovation Center.
Jeremy’s advice on starting a lab is featured on the NIGMS website.
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the Harvard Medical School Initiative for RNA Medicine.
Collaborative work with the Bonasio lab on TET2 modifying tRNAs is published in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology. PDF
Deirdre and Dongming’s book chapter on using RNAi to identify factors regulating circular RNA localization is published in Methods in Molecular Biology. PDF
Yuxi gives a talk at the virtual ncRNA and Therapeutic Discovery RNA Salon.
Meisheng moves on to a senior postdoctoral position at NCI with Thomas Gonatopoulos-Pournatzis.
Jeremy serves as a moderator for the RNA Collaborative Seminar Series.
Nebibe moves to the University of North Carolina to continue postdoctoral training with Mauro Calabrese.
Michele received the Roy and Diana Vagelos Science Challenge Award.
Sam’s News & Views on translation of downstream ORFs (dORFs) is published in The EMBO Journal. PDF
Sarai and Deirdre’s review on the Integrator complex is published in Trends in Biochemical Sciences. PDF
Graduate student Amanda Weiss joins the group.
Sam and Nebibe help co-organize and Sarai gives a talk at the virtual ncRNA and Therapeutic Discovery RNA Salon.
Jeremy gives an invited talk and serves as a session chair at the virtual Cold Spring Harbor meeting on Regulatory & Noncoding RNAs.
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the Interdisciplinary Biological Sciences Graduate Program at Northwestern University.
Jeremy serves as a session chair at the virtual RNA Society Annual Meeting.
Jeremy is promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure.
Yuxi passes her Ph.D. candidacy exam.
Postdoc Samantha Dodbele joins the group.
Jeremy gives an invited seminar for the UT Southwestern Department of Molecular Biology.
Deirdre’s chapter on premature transcription termination mechanisms for the 84th Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Symposium book is published online. PDF
Meisheng and Yuxi’s review on circular RNAs is published in Trends in Cell Biology. PDF
Jeremy gives an invited talk at the University of Aarhus in Denmark.
Jeremy gives an invited talk at the Workshop on mRNA Untranslated Regions in Gene Regulation, Development, and Disease in Holetown, Barbados.
The transcript of Jeremy’s interview at the 84th Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Symposium on RNA Control & Regulation is published. PDF

Jeremy presents some of our latest work at the annual retreat of the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics in the Poconos.
Collaborative work with the Adelman and Wagner labs on Integrator is published in Molecular Cell. PDF
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology highlights our recent Genes & Development paper. PDF
Jeremy gives an invited talk on circular RNAs at the American Society of Nephrology’s Kidney Week in Washington, D.C.
Yuxi gives a talk at the ncRNA and Therapeutic Discovery RNA Salon in Baltimore, Maryland.
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Department of Cell and Developmental Biology.
Michele was named an ACS Scholar.
Collaborative work with the Murakami lab on promoter escape by RNA polymerase II is published in PNAS (PDF) and highlighted by an accompanying Commentary piece (PDF).
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the RNA club at the University of Florida.
Deirdre’s paper showing that the Integrator complex cleaves nascent mRNAs to attenuate transcription is published in Genes & Development. PDF
Collaborative work with the Kishore Lab at Temple on circular RNAs in cardiovascular disease is published in Nature Communications. PDF
Jeremy gives invited talks at Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University.
Postdoc Nebibe Mutlu joins the group.
Jeremy gives a talk at the Rita Allen Foundation Scholars meeting in Cold Spring Harbor, NY.
Meisheng’s paper that describes an improved method for circular RNA purification is published in Nucleic Acids Research. PDF
Postdoc María Saraí Mendoza-Figueroa joins the group.
Mike’s paper on how ribosome queuing enables non-AUG translation to be resistant to multiple protein synthesis inhibitors is published in Genes & Development. PDF
Jeremy gives an invited talk at the Gordon Research Conference on Nucleic Acids in Newry, Maine.
Jeremy presents our latest work at the RNA Society Annual Meeting in Krakow, Poland.
Jeremy gives an invited talk on the Integrator complex at the RNA Stability Meeting in Montreal, Canada.
Mike starts as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Chemistry & Pharmacology at Ohio State University.
Graduate student Yuxi Ai joins the group.
Our Preview on roles for circular RNAs in controlling innate immune responses is published in Cell. PDF
Meisheng and Deirdre presented their latest results at the ncRNA and Therapeutic Discovery RNA Salon in Baltimore, MD.
Jeremy gives an invited talk and Meisheng presents a poster at the 84th Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Symposium on RNA Control & Regulation. Jeremy is interviewed at the meeting.
Jeremy gave an invited talk at the Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology.
Jeremy gave an invited talk at the NCI RNA Biology Symposium in Bethesda, Maryland. Deirdre, Meisheng, and Mike all presented posters.
Deirdre is awarded a K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award from NIH.
Deirdre gave a talk at the ncRNA and Therapeutic Discovery RNA Salon in Baltimore, Maryland.
Jeremy gave an invited talk at the 2nd International Meeting on Oncology Research at the Federal University of Pará in Belém, Brazil.
Undergraduate Michele Meline joins the group.

Jeremy gave an invited talk for the Emory University Department of Biochemistry.
Jeremy gave an invited talk at Weill Cornell Medicine as part of their Physiology, Biophysics and Systems Biology (PBSP) seminar series.
Jeremy gave an invited talk at the Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference on RNA Biology in Suzhou, China.
Jeremy gave an invited talk at the Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology.
Deirdre, Meisheng, and Mike present their latest work at the annual retreat of the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics in the Poconos.
Chuan starts as a tenure-track Professor in the School of Life Sciences at Chongqing University in China.
Meisheng and Mike gave talks at the ncRNA and Therapeutic Discovery RNA Salon in Baltimore, Maryland.
Deirdre gave a talk on the Integrator complex at the ASBMB Special Symposium on "Transcriptional Regulation by Chromatin and RNA Polymerase II" in Snowbird, Utah.
Jeremy gave an invited talk for the Ohio State University Center for RNA Biology.
Deirdre gave a talk for the Penn Epigenetics Institute.
Jeremy gave an invited talk at the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) in Bethesda, Maryland.
Mike gave a talk on non-AUG translation at the Cold Spring Harbor meeting on Translational Control.
Collaborative work with the Asokan and Marzluff labs on expressing circular RNAs from AAV vectors is published in Molecular Therapy - Nucleic Acids.
Deirdre presented a poster on the Integrator complex at the EMBL Transcription and Chromatin meeting in Heidelberg, Germany.
Jeremy presented our work on the Integrator complex at the Gordon Conference on Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation in Newry, Maine.
Matt gave a talk at the Leadership Alliance National Symposium in Hartford, Connecticut.
Chuan’s paper on nuclear export of circular RNAs was highlighted in Science. PDF
Undergraduates Matt Tracey and Jeff Jiang join the group.
Mike and Deirdre gave talks at the ncRNA and Therapeutic Discovery RNA Salon in Baltimore, MD.
Chuan’s paper on nuclear export of circular RNAs is published in Genes & Development and highlighted by an accompanying Outlook piece. PDF / Outlook PDF
Jeremy gives an invited talk for the Medical University of South Carolina Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.
Jeremy gives a talk at the Rita Allen Foundation Scholars meeting in Princeton, NJ.
Jeremy gives a talk at the Cold Spring Harbor meeting on Nuclear Organization & Function.
Our review on circular RNAs is published in WIREs RNA. PDF
Mike was highlighted as part of the RNA Society’s Member Spotlight Series.
Mike presents his latest findings at the Penn RNP Discussion Group.
Jeremy serves as a panelist for the Penn Career Services event on preparing for your first year as a faculty member or postdoc.
Deirdre and Jeremy attended a meeting of the ncRNA and Therapeutic Discovery RNA Salon in Baltimore, MD.
Jeremy gives an invited talk at the Watson School of Biological Sciences graduate student recruitment weekend.
Jeremy gives an invited talk at the Keystone Symposium on Noncoding RNAs in Keystone, Colorado.
Jeremy gave an invited talk for the Purdue University Department of Biochemistry.

Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology highlights our recent Molecular Cell paper. PDF
Jeremy gave an invited talk for the Department of Chemistry at Penn.
Chuan, Deirdre, Dongming, Meisheng, Mike, and Jeremy attended the first meeting of the ncRNA and Therapeutic Discovery RNA Salon in Frederick, MD.
Dongming and Deirdre’s paper showing that the output of protein-coding genes shifts to circular RNAs when the pre-mRNA processing machinery is limiting is published in Molecular Cell.
The Wilusz lab presents its latest work at the annual retreat of the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics in the Poconos.
Mike and Deirdre present talks at the Biochemistry & Biophysics Friday Research Discussions series.
Mike’s review on non-AUG translation is published in Genes & Development.
Postdoc Meisheng Xiao joins the group.
Research specialist Chike Nwaezeapu joins the group.
Chuan, Deirdre, and Mike present their data at the Penn Biomedical Postdoctoral Research Symposium. Deirdre wins the Best Poster Award.
Jeremy presents a poster at the Cold Spring Harbor meeting on Forty Years of mRNA Splicing: From Discovery to Therapeutics.
Jeremy presents a talk on circular RNA biogenesis in Oxford, UK at the EMBO Workshop on Regulation of RNA 3’ end formation across eukaryotic genomes.
Mike is awarded a K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award from NIH.
Deirdre presents a poster at the Cold Spring Harbor meeting on Mechanisms of Eukaryotic Transcription.
Mike presents a poster at the EMBO conference on Protein Synthesis and Translational Control in Heidelberg, Germany.
A collaborative R01 with Aravind Asokan’s lab at UNC to express circular RNAs in animal models is funded by NINDS.
Deirdre and Dongming’s book chapter on circular RNA expression plasmids is published in Methods in Molecular Biology.
US Patent 9,717,749 awarded for methods to produce stable non-polyadenylated RNAs.
Jeremy attended the Rita Allen Foundation Scholars summer workshop that was organized by the Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science.
Jeremy is quoted in a news piece on circular RNAs in The Scientist.
Jeremy gives a talk on circular RNAs at the RNA Society Annual Meeting in Prague, Czech Republic.
Collaborative work with Howard Chang’s lab on immune surveillance of circular RNAs is published in Molecular Cell.
Jeremy gives an invited talk at the Abramson Cancer Center Symposium on RNA Biology & Cancer.
Chuan, Deirdre, Mike, and Jeremy attend the NCI RNA Biology Meeting in Bethesda, MD.
Deirdre’s News & Views on translation of endogenous circular RNAs is published in Molecular Cell. PDF
Deirdre presents her latest findings at the Penn RNP Discussion Group.
Jiou was awarded a Summer Research Award from the Vagelos Life Sciences & Management (LSM) program to support her efforts in the lab.
Jeremy gave an invited talk at the University of Albany.
Jeremy is quoted in a news piece on circular RNAs in Science. PDF
Jeremy gives an invited talk at the Keystone Symposium on Protein-RNA Interactions in Banff, Canada.
Chuan and Mike present talks at the Biochemistry & Biophysics Friday Research Discussions series.
Undergraduate Jiou Choi joins the group.
The Wilusz lab is awarded a pilot grant from the Abramson Cancer Center to investigate how translation from non-AUG start codons is regulated.

Jeremy gives an invited talk at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.
Chuan, Deirdre, and Mike present their latest work at the annual retreat of the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics in the Poconos.
Collaborative work with the Bonasio lab on mapping of novel RNA-binding regions is published in Molecular Cell.
The Wilusz lab is awarded a MIRA grant (R35) from NIGMS.
Mike presents a talk and Deirdre presents a poster at the Cold Spring Harbor meeting on Translational Control.
Our review on circular RNA biogenesis mechanisms is published in RNA Biology. PDF
Collaborative work with the Cherry lab on viral RNA degradation is published in Genes & Development. PDF
Postdocs Chuan Huang and Mike Kearse join the group.
Jeremy attended the Rita Allen Foundation Scholars 40th Anniversary Plenary Gathering in Palo Alto, CA.
Jeremy gave an invited talk on circular RNAs at the Gordon Research Conference on Post-transcriptional gene regulation in Stowe, VT.
Jeremy served as an invited mentor and career panelist at the Gordon Research Seminar on Post-transcriptional gene regulation in Stowe, VT.
Undergraduate Michael Jonathan joins the group.
The Wilusz lab presents our latest work on circular RNAs at the Biochemistry & Biophysics Friday Research Discussion series.
Jeremy presents our collaborative work on retrotransposition mechanisms at the Penn RNP Discussion Group.

Jeremy gives an invited talk at BMB2015 in Kobe, Japan as part of a workshop on noncoding RNA architecture and function.
Jeremy gives an invited talk at the Institute for Genetic Medicine at Hokkaido University.
Jeremy gives an invited talk on circular RNAs at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).
Deirdre and Marianne present posters at the annual retreat of the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics in the Poconos.
Our collaborative paper with John Moran’s lab on how the LINE-1 poly(A) tail promotes retrotransposition is published in Molecular Cell. Press Release
Marianne and Dongming’s paper showing that intronic repeats and trans-acting factors regulate circular RNA levels is published in Genes & Development. PDF
Deirdre presents a talk on non-polyadenylated mRNAs at the Penn Biomedical Postdoctoral Research Symposium.
Our News & Views on new tRNA sequencing methods is published in Nature Methods. PDF
Jeremy presents a poster on circular RNAs at the Cold Spring Harbor meeting on Eukaryotic mRNA Processing.
Jeremy is named a Rita Allen Foundation Scholar. This 5 year grant will support our work on circular RNAs. Press Release
Our review on the mechanisms by which long noncoding RNAs are generated, stabilized, and function is published in Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA).
Graduate student Marianne Kramer joins the group.
Jeremy gives an invited talk on non-polyadenylated mRNAs at the RNA Stability Meeting in Estes Park, CO.
Undergraduate Lihi Zaks joins the group and is supported by the Penn Undergraduate Research Mentoring (PURM) Program.
Jeremy presents a poster on circular RNAs at the 20th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society in Madison, WI.
Our review on circular RNA biogenesis mechanisms is published in Mobile Genetic Elements.
Our review on tRNA regulatory mechanisms is published in WIREs RNA.
Jeremy gives an invited seminar at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Deirdre presents her latest results at a seminar for the Penn RNP Discussion Group.
The Wilusz lab celebrates its one year anniversary with a homemade cake depicting the Phanatic in a lab coat.
Our collaborative paper with Leemor Joshua-Tor’s lab on the mechanism of CCACCA addition is published in Cell. Press Release

Jeremy gives a seminar at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School.
Jeremy’s perspective on the connections between NMD and snoRNA biogenesis is published in Genes & Development.
The Wilusz lab attends the annual retreat of the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics in the Poconos. Jeremy gives a talk on CCACCA addition.
Dongming’s paper on circular RNAs is published in Genes & Development. Press Release
Jeremy attends the Cold Spring Harbor meeting on Regulatory & Noncoding RNAs and gives a talk on circular RNA biogenesis.
Jeremy gives an invited talk at the symposium in honor of Phil Sharp’s 70th birthday.
Postdoctoral fellow Deirdre Tatomer joins the group.
Jeremy presents a poster on circular RNA biogenesis at the 19th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society in Quebec City, Quebec.
Research specialist Dongming Liang joins the group.
Jeremy gives an invited talk at the Watson School of Biological Sciences graduate student recruitment weekend.
The Wilusz lab officially begins at the University of Pennsylvania.